Your shop window is the first thing customers see when they walk past your shop.

The window is there to entice customers to come in by giving them a sample of what you have to offer.

You need to change it as often as you expect regular customers to visit you.This is not an issue with people who do not know about you but you need to make the effort for your usual customers.

For instance, if your regular customers come to you once a month, you need to refresh the display in the window once every three to four weeks.

If they visit you once a week, make sure the window is updated twice weekly.

This ensures customers always see something new and different when they visit you.

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman “It is the consistency of the information that matters for a good story, not its completeness”. The more information you add, the more you risk of having information that does not fit the initial “story”.

So when selling to a customer, make sure you explain everything they need to know but try avoiding going too far as you risk making the decision more difficult to make.

Offer two options to a customer, say product A and product B. The customer will buy one.

Tell the next customer who is interested in something similar what the first customer bought. It is very likely they will buy the same.

This is basically the herd behaviour: once a sheep goes somewhere, the whole herd follows.

You can use this to influence customers. Simply tell them how many people bought the option you want them to buy.

When interacting with the public, you answer their questions, then you usually use a call to action like “maybe you want to try it on?” or “should I get the box for you?”

At that stage you need to resist the urge of carrying on talking. Simply stay quiet and let the customer think. They know it is their turn to say something but sometimes they need a few seconds to make a decision.