According to retail experts, the colours used on labels can influence customers.

Studies seem to show that labels written in red ink trigger an urgency state with male shoppers. It means they are more likely to act and buy the product immediately.

There does not seem to have a colour that is providing similar effects on women.

How many emails do you send a day?

You can easily use all those messages to advertise for you, for free.

Simply add a signature at the bottom of each of them. Your email system can be set up to automatically add it for you (ask a friend or some IT guy to help you if needs be).

Do not overdo it, a simple line like “Ask me about our newest product” will be enough to make a difference.

The only question that matters:

Why should someone buy from you rather than from someone else?

Are you:

  • closer
  • faster
  • better
  • different
  • knowledgeable
  • cheaper
  • credible
  • reputable
  • convenient
  • extensive
  • specialised

Whatever the reason, you need to use it to sell more.